Garrigill Village Hall Trustee Expenses Policy
1. Introduction
This policy sets out the basis upon which expenses will be paid by the Garrigill Village Hall Management Committee ("the GVH Committee") and the process for claiming them.
2. Principles
The GVH Committee does not expect its Trustees or volunteers to be out of pocket in respect to work carried out for the charity. It encourages all volunteers and Trustees to submit claims for reasonable expenses incurred whilst carrying out their duties.
Claims for, and payment of, expenses must be consistent with the following principles:
Expenses are refunds by the GVH Committee of payments which a volunteer or a Trustee has needed to meet personally in order to carry out his or her duties. They are not payments for services;
All expenditure should provide "best value" for the village hall, i.e. the most appropriate cost taking into account any time and quality constraints;
The expenses incurred must not be of a standard or nature which would constitute a personal benefit to the volunteer or Trustee. Under charity law a Trustee is not permitted to benefit personally from being a Trustee;
Evidence must be provided that the expenditure has been incurred.
3. Allowable expenses
The following are legitimate expenses
Reasonable costs for travel whilst on GVH business;
The cost of postage and telephone calls made exclusively on GVH business;
The cost of printing and other office materials used exclusively on GVH business;
The cost of goods, services and materials procured for the exclusive use of Garrigill Village Hall within the limits of pre-approved budgets.
4. Process for claiming expenses
Receipted expense claims should be made at regular intervals, preferably as they arise and in any event within 3 months.
5. Payment of expenses
Expenses will normally be paid by bank transfer.